Raw, cage-free turkey. Product is 98% turkey, nutrient-rich organs & bone and is fortified with added vitamins & minerals. 100% complete & balanced dinner is rich in taurine and probiotics for dietary health.
There are no added hormones or antibiotics, no grains or fillers, no gluten and no artificial preservatives or colorings
For every cup of freeze-dried cat food, add half a cup of warm water. Allow food to rehydrate for one minute, mix and serve. Provide your cat access to fresh water. Optimal feeding amounts may vary with age, size, breed, and activity level. Please refer to the feeding chart below as an initial recommendation and adjust food amount as needed to reach desired weight goal.
New Users: Sudden changes in diet, including overfeeding, can sometimes result in digestive issues. Always introduce any new food by slowly mixing with your current diet for the first 7-10 days, increasing the amount of Stella & Chewy’s while decreasing the amount of the other brand.